Since World War II, the Invisibles group, run by Norman Cooper and his friend Kuma Takara, has tracked down people who have gone missing in major conflicts, piecing together what happened in the days leading up to their disappearances. They are known as the best in the business at finding missing persons.
Julia Muller travels to New York to find out what happened to her father, Friedrich Muller, a Luftwaffe pilot who disappeared along with his bomber plane in 1941. But amid the swirling mist that obscures the past, can anyone be sure what really happened ?
“Lots of characters, many interwoven stories—a dizzying plot.”
“Intrigue, suspense and many plot twists… the perfect ingredients of a great thriller, with Espé’s drawings on top.”
“A story that manages to take hold of its readers, so much so that they cannot let go of this comic before its very last page.”
“A resolutely modern work, a graphic crime novel just as we like them. A trio of talented authors.”
“A well-framed plot, perfectly crafted by Marc Levy and Runberg. Suspense and twists—very convincing.”
“France’s most read novelist co-writes his first original screenplay for a comic book. Another way for him to do what he loves best: tell stories.”
“A wonderfully exciting story.”
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